Performing Arts

Spring 2011 Dance Festival. Photo: Bentley Drezner
Spring 2011 Dance Festival. Photo: Bentley Drezner  

Princeton University students have a long and active history in the performing arts, from music and singing to theater and dance. Princeton's Triangle Club is the nation's longest-running touring comedy-music troupe, known for its signature all-male kickline, and the University's instrumental, choral and a cappella groups tour all over the world.

Since the mid-20th century, other student-run groups in music, theater and dance have proliferated and continue to flourish. In 2007 the University launched a campus-wide arts initiative to make the creative and performing arts central to the Princeton experience. The Lewis Center for the Arts, established the same year, has unified and strengthened the University’s many distinguished arts programs. Today, more students are participating in the arts, and at more advanced levels, than ever before.